Comparison of Production Effectiveness of Wheat and Barley in Terms of Energy Use and Productivity in Sistan and Blochestan Province

Document Type : Research Article


higher educational complex of saravan


Comparison of energy productivity of different crops can be used as an effective tool to prioritize crops planting in each area. This study was conducted in order to compare of wheat and barley farms of Sistan and Blochestan province in relation of various aspects of energy consumption at 2009. 100 wheat and 100 barley fields were selected randomly from Zahedan, Zabol, Saravan, Khash, Iranshahr, Gasht, Sib and Soran, Zaboli, Nahok, Jalegh and Nikshahr cities. Inputs data and yield of wheat and barley fields were collected in the form of questionnaires in a face-to-face interviewing. Results showed that total energy inputs of wheat and barley fields were 32492.97 and 25655.81 MJ.ha-1, respectively. Total energy outputs for wheat and barley fields also were 48517.24 and 49800.87 MJ.ha-1, respectively. Based on these results the amount of energy use efficiency for wheat and barley fields were 1.49 and 1.94 respectively, and the amount of energy productivity for mentioned fields were 0.056 and 0.066. The share of renewable energy as one of the sustainability index of agricultural systems was 19.60 for wheat and 14.60 for barley fields. Therefore, it seems that barley production is more efficient from various aspects of energy consumption rather than wheat in Sistan and Blochestan province.
