Investigating Different Systems of Nutrition: Organic Fertilizers, Inorganic and Blended, on How Wheat Grain Protein Changes

Document Type : Research Article


University of Zabol


Introduction Fertilizer management is an important process as appropriate blend of fertilizer for agricultural production is quite important. The choice of fertilizer management for environmental programs depends on the prevention of pollution of land and the climate, so fertilizer management is suitable for adaptation to development. The use of abundant amount of cereals, as one of the most important food sources in human societies, has led to the use of these plants as an important source of protein in many areas, so a major part of protein of human needs provide.
Materials and Methods In this research, in order to investigate the changes of wheat protein in different fertilizer application systems, a completely randomized block design with three replications was carried out in 2014-2015 in Agricultural Research Station of Zabol University (Chahnymh), 35 km Zabol. In terms of geographical location of 61 degrees and 41 minutes east longitude and 30 degrees, 54 minutes north latitude and altitude of 480 meter of sea level. The weather of this station is cold and dry in winters, and hot and dry in summers, that according to category coupons and amberger ingredient weather warm and dry is considered. Treatments contains: T1: Control (no fertilizer), T2: Cow manure, T3: Vermicompost fertilizer, T4: Chemical fertilizer, T5:Vermicompost+Nitroxin fertilizer, T6: cow manure and Nitroxin fertilizer, T7: cow manure and chemical fertilizer. Study traits including: The grain yield, harvest index, ash, protein, grain nitrogen and nitrogen soil, moisture, organic matter was perched study. Nitrogen at grain and soil by Kjeldahl using equation (1) was calculated. Grain protein using equation (2) was appointed. Ash, with use of the oven and the grill was evaluated. Direction calculation the analysis of statistical data obtained at first to software excel transmit and after assurance of normality of data, the results with using the of statistical software SAS, version 9.1, and variance analysis, by means test Duncan, at the level % 5 were compared.
Results and Discussion According to the results of Anova Table, the effect of different fertilizer systems, on grain nitrogen, at 1 percent probability level was positive and showed significant difference. Organic fertilizer, increases organic matter and humus soil. By increasing the cation exchange capacity, Nitrogen leaching is prevented. Nitrogenous fertilizers cause increasing grain nitrogen and protein according to the results of the analysis of variance and can be acknowledged by the seed protein under different fertilizer systems which were significant at the 1 percent level. The data showed that the highest protein content of 14% was related to the chemical fertilizer and the minimum protein was 9.44%, was for control (no fertilizer).
The researchers with attention to results of their studies reported, with increasing nitrogen, protein increases. Chemical fertilizers in the presence of organic fertilizers and bio-fertilizers, resulted in the highest grain nitrogen amount. The use of nitrogen chemical fertilizer, increased ash in sorghum (Sorghum sudanense L.).
ConclusionsThe use of manure increased uptake of moisture, and therefore, reduced the amount of dry matter in the grain. Chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen, are one of the most important components of the amino acids, and amino acids are known as a unit producer of protein, so it has important impact on grain protein amount.


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  • Receive Date: 15 February 2017
  • Revise Date: 06 November 2017
  • Accept Date: 03 December 2017
  • First Publish Date: 22 June 2018