Article submission checklist

Paper requirements

Is your article fit for the Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research?

Check by reading the aims and scope of the journal, and look at recently published articles.

 Are you sure that your article is not simultaneously submitted to another journal?

Have you read the “Manuscript Structure”?

Manuscript Structure will tell you everything that the editorial board will be expecting to see in your paper, including word counts and style guides.

Are All of the authors aware of this article submission and its content?
Does the journal charge authors to review and publish articles?
Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research charges a publication fee of 2,000,000 Rials, which is taken when the article is accepted for publication.


Checklist of paper submission

Have you identified 4-5 appropriate keywords?

Keywords help relevant readers find your article in databases.

Have you written an effective title and abstract?

The title and abstract are your chance to grab a potential reader’s attention.

  Have you written an effective cover letter?

The cover letter is an important way for you to explain to the journal’s editor why your paper is a good fit and should be considered for publication.

Does your article match the journal’s specified style guides?

Your article should be a good fit and format for the journal’s style guide.  

Is your article easy to read?

Check that your article has a logical structure with clear writing and has been 'spell and grammar’ checked.

Have you cited sources appropriately?

Ensure you avoid accidental plagiarism by looking at our policy on citations. All references mentioned in the Reference List must be cited in the text, and vice versa.


Get ready to submit

Have you included a disclosure statement and declared any competing interests?

It is important to be transparent about any potential competing interests (also known as conflicts of interest)

Have you included your ORCID?

ORCID is a unique identifier that links together all your published work. If you do not have it, read about creating an ORCID and including it with your submission. 

You can also add ORCID information for your co-authors.

Do you have the correct files ready to upload?

To submit your article, you need the following files:

  • Title page (including a title page with Authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses)
  • The Corresponding author is requested to indicate the contribution and role of each of the authors on the Title page of the manuscript according to the guide file.
  • Main document file (*.doc or *.docx) according to the journal’s format.
  • Authorship Statement Form
  • Conflicts of Interest Form