Evalution of Crops Biodiversity in Kermanshah Province During 2003-2012

Document Type : Research Article


Razi University


Ecological functions of ecosystems are highly related to biodiversity at different levels. Nevertheless, ecological roles of biodiversity and its benefits are less considered in agroecosystems. Therefore, the aim of present study was to assess crops biodiversity in Kermanshah province. Data including crops and their cultivated area were collected from Ministry of Agriculture of Iran during 2003-2012. After data collection, some of important biodiversity indices such as Species richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Sorensen’s similarity index were calculated. The results showed that the number of cultivated species was 29. It nearly shows high biodiversity of crop species cultivated in the province. Among the cities, Kermanshah, Sahneh, Harsin had the maximum species while Paveh had the lowest species. The highest average of crops Shannon-Wiener index was related to Harsin (1.7) and the lowest average of crops Shannon-Wiener index was related to Dalahoo (1) for period of 10 years. In all cities, except Qasr-shirin, Salas-babajani and Paveh Shannon-Wiener index increased over 10 years. The crops Shannon-Wiener index of province was 1.35 in 2003 and it increased to 1.44 in 2012 (about 0.011 in each year). The trend of crops Shannon-Wiener index than all agricultural plants also improved about 0.01 in each year (from 1.25 in 2003 to 1.35 in 2012). The Sorensen’s similarity index also increased in 2012 compare to 2003. The Sorensen’s similarity index of Kermanshah with Eslamabad-gharb and Dalahoo with Salas-babajani were the highest for 2012 while it was the lowest for Paveh compare to other cities in both 2003 and 2012. According to our results, crops biodiversity in Kermanshah province was nearly suitable while similarity in cultivated crops between cities was almost high.


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