Effect of Amount and Time of Phosphorus Foliar Application on Fertility and

Document Type : Research Article


University of Birjand


In order to evaluate effects of different amounts and timing of foliar phosphorus applications on spikelets
fertility and number and weight of kernels, an experiment based on RCBD was performed with four replications
in Agricultural Research Farm, University of Birjand. Treatments were different amounts of foliar phosphorus
levels [including control (distilled water), 2, 4, 6, and 8 kg ha-1 KH2PO4], and different times of application (at
two nodes, heading, and end of flowering). Results showed that foliar phosphorus application significantly
influenced kernel number per spike, so that increasing phosphorus fertilizer amounts led to increased kernels in
spike. Indeed, higher P applications resulted in fertilization and grain set in the uppermost spikelets. The heading
stage was appeared to be the best time for foliar P application, leading to more grain set in spike, especially in
terminal spikelets. Results showed that foliar P application influenced total grain weight per spike and spikelets
significantly, as increasing of P fertilizer amounts led to increased grain weight in spike and spikelets.
